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Is your company capitalizing on multi-age talent? 

Multigenerational teams consistently outperform teams with less age diversity;  they’re both more productive and more profitable, thanks to better decision-making and innovation.

To help companies better attract and support talent of all ages, the Health Action Alliance and AARP have teamed up to present the Age Inclusivity: Four Week Challenge.

This insightful and uplifting activity features bite-sized challenges to help leaders create healthier and more age-inclusive workplaces.

The Age Inclusivity: Four Week Challenge will help you:

  • Support working caregivers
  • Adopt menopause-friendly policies
  • Bolster financial resilience
  • Build intergenerational friendships at work

Participants will receive an email each week with five simple challenge activities.

Sign up today to start making a difference in your workplace!

Join the Age Inclusivity: Four Week Challenge

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The Health Action Alliance is the country’s largest employer network operating at the intersection of business and public health. With a community of 9,000+ employers representing 40M+ workers, we’re on a mission to make employees healthier and our communities stronger. We know good health is good business.